

Build Equity Value to Underpin Future Success

Company owners/Shareholders frequently ask the question “How much is my business worth?” However, an equally important question might be “How can I build future Equity Value into the business?” While the answer to this questionRead more

Trade Sale in Detail – A continuation of Trade or Private Equity buyer

For any business owner considering a future sale it is vital to understand the different motivations of trade and financial buyers. In our previous post about ‘exit strategies’, we discussed, very briefly, two different typesRead more

Acquirers ‘feel the heat’ over HVAC acquisitions

As well as plenty of sunshine, the recent heatwave again highlighted the essential work of Britain’s HVAC companies. From hospitals to large corporate offices, manufacturing plants and engineering workshops, the demand for HVAC services remainsRead more

The Value of Objectivity in Mergers and Acquisitions

When Accenture recently announced its acquisition of digital engineering company Objectivity, it brought to mind the importance of the term ‘objectivity’. In the world of Mergers and Acquisitions, the noun objectivity, i.e., meaning a lackRead more

Valuation and the Return on Investment Puzzle

Valuations can vary tremendously from deal to deal, with the quantum of any offer subject to a wide range of influences, including critically, the acquirer’s view of their ultimate Return on Investment from the purchase.Read more

Trade or Private Equity buyer – which is best for SMEs

There is no general ‘Rule of Thumb’ when it comes to exit strategies for business owners. Every business and its encompassing considerations are unique, therefore, there will almost always be a choice of exit optionsRead more

What Constitutes Success?

In February 2021, the M&A market may have seen one of the most unexpected and unprecedented deals take place. The transaction was a £2million investment to acquire 100 percent control of a business which hadRead more

Is M&A Returning to A New, Post Pandemic, Normal?

At the start of the Pandemic, there was a short, but dramatic drop in dealmaking. Financial investment firms ring-fenced their portfolios, focusing on their stronger companies and divesting others. This was followed by a veritableRead more

How to avoid a post-Acquisition culture clash

Having successfully completed the sale of a company, it can be surprising to discover that post-acquisition the predicted strategic gains that could have materialised have been scuppered by nothing less than a culture clash, namelyRead more

Confidentiality: A proactive and defensive measure for a smooth sale of your business

Selling a business is a complex process that requires careful planning and consideration. As a business owner it is important to understand the procedures that protect you and your business. One of these complexities isRead more

Positive economic sentiment and increased Foreign Direct Investment could stoke acquisition wave

The announcement of the Windsor framework and the potential of a new deal with the European Union regarding the Northern Ireland protocol, is further evidence of a more positive view of the UK economy.  TheRead more

8 reasons to prepare early for a business sale

Like many things, preparation is the key to success. The same is true for business owners that want to take a full or partial exit from their companies. In tougher economic times, when it’s aRead more

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